I Train Entrepreneurs Committed to Transformational Growth (in their business AND life) To Scale their Businesses for maximum IMPACT and Change their Lives with my PROVEN Growth Strategies.
(...and without all the stress and inefficiency that comes with trying to figure out how to do it all yourself. My team of badass coaches and I will take you step-by-step through our proven system to scale your business quickly while kickstarting your personal growth and creating a life you love.)
It's free! And Takes Less Than 3 Minutes...

Hey, I'm Michelle!

Hey, I'm Michelle!

I’m your Go-To Transformational Business Growth Coach for Entrepreneurs who want to MAKE MORE MONEY and FEEL MORE JOY while creating positive IMPACT in the world.

If you’re busy, overwhelmed, and struggling to grow your business while also taking care of the people you love most AND maintain your own well-being…if you feel like you're constantly running on empty, with no time to breathe or enjoy the success you’ve already achieved…you’re in the right place. I'm Michelle, and I'm here to help.

With over two decades of experience as an entrepreneur, management consultant, entrepreneurship trainor, and executive coach, I've learned firsthand how challenging it can be to balance ambition with self-care. That's why I founded my company BGSD Strategies - to guide stressed-out bosses back into alignment toward their greatest IMPACT.

As a certified Master Practitioner and Trainer of NeuroLinguistic Programming, Mental & Emotional Release (™), and Hypnosis, I know how to expertly guide leaders to optimize their lives. My mission is to help you grow your business quickly while creating a life you love so that you can realize the highest expression of your potential. 

I earned my MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth and have leveraged my education and experience for years to help hundreds of entrepreneurs level up their businesses and lives. It’s my life’s mission to continue to share my expertise and knowledge with entrepreneurs like you who need to make strategic shifts to create flow and ease in their business and personal lives.

If you're ready to take your leadership skills and well-being to the next level, I invite you to join me and my team on this journey. Let's work together to unlock your full potential and achieve the success you deserve.

Here are a few of the ways my team and I can guide you to scale your business to achieve maximum IMPACT with ease and flow…
  • IMPACT Scaling School: This course is designed for folks just starting out in business, or anyone who has yet to achieve a $1 million revenue year. In 8 weeks, we’ll work together to lay out a strategic plan to grow your business - making sure your goals, market, financial forecast, brand strategy, marketing, sales, cash flow, staffing plans and leadership are all aligned and ready for scale.
  • IMPACT Mastery: Exclusively for graduates of IMPACT Scaling School, this invite-only year-long mastermind was designed to support entrepreneurs who are actively scaling small businesses through a combination of business strategy retreats, ongoing strategic consulting, and continuous mindset coaching.
  • NLP Breakthrough Coaching: If you’ve identified the strategic path to achieving your goals but find yourself struggling to execute, we will work together to identify your mindset blocks and release the negative emotions that are creating them. Using Neuro-linguistic Programming and Mental and Emotional Release, we’ll get to the root of the problem and shift your experience of it at the unconscious level, leaving you feeling totally aligned and inspired to take action.

People Just Like You Get Massive Results from my Proven Growth Strategies: 

Don't take it from me, hear it from my clients:
At the end of the day...

You could just continue to try out various business strategies on your own or work with other coaches who teach one-size-fits-all tactics, but without the right guidance and expertise, you could end up spending a ton of time and money chasing results that never materialize.

With my extensive experience and proven strategies, PLUS the support of my whole team of badass MBAs and executive mindset coaches, you can trust that you're getting the support you need to take your business to new heights.

Before you go, I just want to take a quick minute to express my gratitude for you taking the time to really read and get to the end of the page.

Look, I see how most entrepreneurs end up putting everyone else first…your family, your staff, the bank. It's just the way we try to live up to our own expectations by continually trying to prove ourselves worthy. 

It’s not sustainable…and I know you want something more.
I know you want your life and business to reward you for all the years of hard work and money you've invested to get to this point. 

The simple truth is, I have a proven set of strategies that I've mastered over many years working with hundreds of clients, and I would love to guide you to apply them to your business and your life so you can find the peace and happiness you were seeking when you started down this path. 

You are just one click away…
Are you ready to take your life to the next level and achieve sustainable business and personal growth that has massive IMPACT? Let's work together to develop a comprehensive strategy that aligns with your goals and sets you up for success. 

Schedule a consultation today and let's get started!

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 All Rights Reserved. 

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